Click the tab to visit the Foster1 Website for more information about our organization
To partner with us in bringing hope to these kids, you can donate here
or bring in any new clothing (with tags) to our location.
Cash app
Facts Indiana government statistics dcs reports
Foster Care average- 802 kids
Marion county east and south side- 833 kids
Average kids being placed in DCS a month Marion county, 4 on East side and 5 on South Side.
Heather Biddinger-
“Nine kids a month need: new supplies, new clothes, new bags. I want them to say, ‘These are my clothes!’ I am going to embrace this foster journey with confidence.”
How can I help?
Due to these reports of kids in the system they do need new clothes they grow often foster parents face many challenges with multiple services therapies visits from caseworkers transporters casa gal visits with parents and many siblings are split up and have sibling visits on a weekly routine
What can we do?
Foster1 with your help can provide a extra support to foster kids by providing new items to the average of 9 a month that gets removed for safety reasons and needs a temporary home.
Also another part of our vision is to help the 1,000+ kids a month in our side of town who could use more clothes because they are growing and thriving kids.
Drop off will be
Sunday 9am-12pm; 5pm-7pm
Wednesday nights 5-8PM
You can also set up a time with us by reaching out on one of our social media’s or the contact information at the bottom of this page. Please do not drop off if no one is there. Donations are accepted! Or you can buy and send us the clothes. If you are buying new clothes and sending them to foster1 contact HEather or Ryan Biddinger and we will tell you the address to mail them to.
2718 South Ritter Indianapolis, IN 46203
We encourage New donations to provide for each baby/child/teen ‘new with tags’
Not able to give or donate items?
1. Donate time by texting us and we will let you know how you can help
2. Be a prayer warrior for these kids parents and foster parents
3. Every little thing matters you can make a difference in this ministry.
2718 S Ritter Ave Indianapolis, Indiana 46203
Heather: 317-358-7331 or Ryan: 317-626-6662